Our Network

At the heart of the Synapse philosophy of Connect, Collaborate,
Contribute are our amazing networks of Nonprofit Neighbors,
Hub Sponsors, and Community Partners.

When combined with hundreds of our equally important big ideas, big heart businesses and professionals in our network, Synapse is not only changing the face of networking but strengthening and transforming our communities as well.

In our meetings and daily interactions we witness time and again how the power of both connection and a shared feeling of connectedness allow us to plug in the right people at the right time to make big impacts. We are proud of our members and their mutual support of one another, their businesses, their causes and their lives. We invite you to see how good networking can feel.

Hub, 007, and Spark/Support Session Sponsors

Through direct support and membership subsidies, our Hub Sponsors are helping to take the nonprofits they support to the next level. Talk to us if you’re ready to make a bigger impact.

Nonprofit Neighbors

At the center of our growing network are our nonprofit neighbors. It’s where our meetings happen and where they get to tell their story to a growing captive audience. They are the “Hubs” in our “Hub Hopping” culture. If you are a nonprofit who wants more exposure to an audience that gets you, talk to us.

Community Partners

Our Community Partners are simply a natural, organic, “this just feels right to support one another” collaboration. We exchange information, share connections, pop our logos on one another’s messages and media channels and generally support our mutual goals. It’s a less formal but nonetheless important way to build communities and economic strength. If you think you might be a solid Community Partner, talk to us.

A Robust Business and Professional Network

The highly active businesses and professionals in our network constitute our secret Synapse sauce. We have cracked the code on connecting with and inviting business owners and professionals that instantly get how the network can benefit them and their community. They’re motivated, they give back without conditions or strings attached. They understand that a rising tide floats all boats. And they know it helps their business. If that sounds like you, attend a meeting.